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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Connections we need to systemise for 6 billion beings & the globe's localities

Across which networks must people in cities FIRST open up relationship permissions if we are to make the worldwide a sustainable enough place for 6 billion people to enjoy lifetimes

Emotional IntelligencePlease look at this picture until you see past its ugliness or choice of words because we believe it embeds the following 5 interconnecting truths about identity economics now networks interconnect us all:

1 Sustain N**10 There are probably 10 vital service Networks - of which Water researches to be the most obvious according to votes across collaboration and simpol city members - that need to be organsied as human rights for all 6 billion beings. By which we mean that they have a minimum quantity of quality access at no cost from day 1 however poor- how extra amounts are charged isnt the same issue as ensuring we all agree worldiwde on minimum rights. As well as working out how to deliver this at every locality of the globe, we need to open up conversations to involve every living person in communally clarifying the ten identifying rights of being.

2 Collaboration Cities, places - knowledge and brand people need to help involve everyone with every communications tool so that wherever people are located they can choose work etc that which will appreciate as they appreciate it. This is very context driven and there should be accessible activities for entrepreneurs to access and evolve compound growth with wherever they are located; there should be enough diverse ways to make as being's own greatest difference by linking in collboratively that everyone has a fair chance to see the world changing for the better for thier communities. Places are the organsiational system that everyone has a right to be transparently mapped, at least if our understanding of democracy, openness, trust, golden "relationship reciprocity" rule of all major religions is to be connected.

3 email, blog and other virtual mnodes; together with open space, cafes and other large global village real meetings need to be facilitated so everyone has experience of how they can work for people who are connected by common communal contexts and innovation opportunities (even if these arise as conflicts to pass through)

4 In many of the most prosperous and big places, neither law nor maths (audint performance) is currently uptodate to ensure that organisations compound goodwill instead of vicious impacts. This is out of control in at least some examples of each major organsiational form: corporation, governement, media, profession, activist networketc. The logical corrections exist in open source form but experts need to obey the hippocratic oath in guiding us all in implementing these transfromations, and open accountability must apply on all sides

5 We will need the mother of all benchmaking (and local mentoring programs so that big leaders are also caring people faciliutators) if the world's 100 biggest organisational and economic powers are to systemise the most valuable relationships for all they impact over time

We know that we haven't descrtibed every paragraph above optimally in minutia, but do you have any questions on the big picture? Is it clear why all these networks will need to flow harmoniously if we are to compound a hi-trist age as well as servioce economies where people matter in all their relationship roles and knowledge working producers and stakeholders with value demands? If so we can get on with which cities wish to collaborate in which first priorities as there is a lot of relatiionship system work to be piloted and then open sourced if we are to help the billion in our owrld who are currently without the mist whilst not causing any other hi-trust person to lose what they and theirs have already communally accomplished.


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