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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Collaboration Cafe format,of London #1 Collaboration Knowledge City

London is the world's open source franchise centre for the Collaboration Cafe Format. Ask here if you want to know how this format helps network any city's change leaders. To date collaboration cafe mentors have included:
  • George Por on practising Collective Intelligence
  • Andrius K on how to access some of the world's most diverse innovation projects
  • Bridget Peake on how to convene open space to sustain miraculous communal or networking impacts
  • Franklin Frederick, Brazilian Founder of International Free Water Academy on why water matters locally to poor people more than can be imagined by global Multinationals like Coca-Cola or Nestle; and how European (London 04) & World Social Forums are networking to ensure people's lives are not evaporated away

Naturally the connecting benefit of co-producing this cafe series is to inter-link networks across all the cafes' deepest action learnings. More details on this cafe format here.


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